Overall Champion PAWS  2004

Toni Watts


"Warmed by the Sun"



"A last look back"



Toni is mum to two teenage daughters and works part time as a hospital doctor in addition to pursuing her lifelong interest in wildlife art.

She was delighted to win the bird category in Wildscape, Wildlife Artist of the year in 2004 and the award for best acrylic in PAWS in 2003 and 2002.

Her paintings have been exhibited nationally with the Wildlife Art Society and the Natural World Art Group.

She is now working towards her first solo exhibition.


Each artist has also been sent a Certificate.

PAWS 2004 - Finalists
PAWS 2004 - Home Page
Roy Chaffin Studios - Home Page
Winsor & Newton

To contact PAWS:-

E-mail:- paws@roychaffin.com


[IMAGE] :- PAWS, 10 Nascot Wood Road, Watford, Herts. WD17 4RS, UK


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