PAWS Champion 2000

Frank Gould





"The Young Sage"



In today's hectic world painting has been a way for me to make a connection with an inner more peaceful part of myself. Wildlife has provided that bridge and has always held the greatest fascination for me. It is charged with forces unknown, yet familiar, forces which exist within us all. I believe art is about exploration, of both your subject matter and yourself, I learn a lot about both when working on a picture.

I try to convey through my paintings some of the intense beauty of the wild things living in the world around us. The natural world is in great peril, if it is to be protected then we all need to be aware of its beauties.


Each artist has also been sent a Certificate.

PAWS 2004 - Finalists
PAWS 2004 - Home Page
Roy Chaffin Studios - Home Page
Winsor & Newton

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[IMAGE] :- PAWS, 10 Nascot Wood Road, Watford, Herts. WD17 4RS, UK


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