PAWS Champion 2002

Penny G


"Evening Song"






I have painted, since childhood.  I painted caricatures, and got a few commissions. Then I realised I could draw and paint anything, people, cats, horses, you name it. I took more commissions.

I married, had two children and continued painting until Emma, aged 4, was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Friends, family and the media helped. Emma visited Mickey Mouse in Florida . We cannot describe our gratitude - for memories of a normal, happy child away from hospital.

It was years before Emma recovered fully. I had another child and started painting again.

Commissions continued; Christmas Cards for Leukaemia Busters,  CD covers for a rock band,  beer labels for a Brewery. I exhibited paintings with the New Forest Art Society and the Lymington Art Group.

We revisited Florida for Emma's 16th birthday. ‘ Florida ’ is a memory of this and arouses mixed emotions. The alligator represents dangerous beauty in natural places.

Now I’m working freelance;  Portraits, Landscapes, Corporate Commissions. 


Each artist has also been sent a Certificate.

PAWS 2004 - Finalists
PAWS 2004 - Home Page
Roy Chaffin Studios - Home Page
Winsor & Newton

To contact PAWS:-



[IMAGE] :- PAWS, 10 Nascot Wood Road, Watford, Herts. WD17 4RS, UK


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