RCS B-25J Mitchell
MkIII CD Service
Please note that this CD
contains all versions of the package
CFS2, FS2002 and FS2004
Owing to huge popular demand from people that do not have a Broadband
internet connection we have produced a "No Frills" CD which just
has the EXE files on it.
These CD's will be mailed to anywhere in the world for a nominal fee.
This is NOT PAYWARE and purely a service to those that need it, and the
price only covers the costs of production of the CD's, handling, packaging
and mailing. Obviously because of the numbers of discs involved it will be
necessary to employ a paid person as required to carry out all the above
The cost of this CD service is £10 UKP, $15 USD, or 15 Euros per disc.
To order your CD Click Here
to Download Order Form which must be printed out, completed and sent by normal mail to the
address on the Order Form, along with your money or credit card details.
Email orders will not be accepted, because sending credit card details
over the net is very dangerous.
Every effort will be made to ensure the CD's are mailed quickly, but
please allow 28 days before following up your order.
Order Form
Important Notice
RCS Panels has no objections to any individual
downloading the package from the net and placing it on a CD for a friend
or friends, but we strictly forbid anyone making and selling CD's, and
will take action against any such person that tries.